samanyuJuly 6, 2023 ← Go back ConsigneeMorphOriginBANGALOREBooking Date10/08/2024ConsignorMorph, Avyakth Cold StorageDestinationHYDERABADMode of ShipmentRoadConsignee AddressMorph, Avyakth Cold Storage #2,3&4 Malur Industrial Area,Kolar Dist, Malur 563130 Vehicle NoKA02AJ6830Fleet Type20ft containerConsignor AddressPRASTIGE BEVERLY HILLS GOLDEN MILE RD KOKAPET HYDERABAD TELANGANA 500075 Mode of PaymentTBBContact NumberNAGSTNADescriptionTD SHUTTER PBHGST29aanfm2207j1z3Gross WeightNAContact NumberNACammodity/DescriptionDescription Shipment Value Quantity Type of Pkg TD SHUTTER PBH AS PER INVOICE AS PER INVOICE C-BOXES StatusDeliveredProof of DeliveryDelivery Date11/08/2024