samanyuJuly 6, 2023 ← Go back ConsigneeIDEALOriginBANGALOREBooking Date05/08/2024ConsignorIdeal Design & Display India Pvt. Ltd.DestinationChakkorathukulamMode of ShipmentRoadConsignee AddressIdeal Design & Display India Pvt. Ltd. Plot No.7, Jigani Industrial Area, Phase ll, Anekal Taluk, Bangalore, Karnataka, India pin 560105 Vehicle NoKA51AA0538Fleet Type20ft containerConsignor AddressLG Electronics India Pvt Ltd MYG Nilambur Mode of PaymentTBBContact NumberNAGSTNADescriptionBACK STEP METAL RACKGST29AABCI5412J1ZKGross WeightNAContact NumberNACammodity/DescriptionDescription Shipment Value Quantity Type of Pkg BACK STEP METAL RACK AS PER INVOICE AS PER INVOICE C-BOXES StatusDeliveredProof of DeliveryDelivery Date06/08/2024