samanyuJuly 6, 2023 ← Go back ConsigneeIDEALOriginBANGALOREBooking Date05/08/2024ConsignorIdeal Design & Display India Pvt. LtdDestinationMUKKAMMode of ShipmentRoadConsignee AddressIdeal Design & Display India Pvt. Ltd. Plot No.7, Jigani Industrial Area, Phase ll, Anekal Taluk, Bangalore, Karnataka, India pin 560105 Vehicle NoKA51AA0538Fleet Type20ft containerConsignor AddressLG Electronics india Pvt Ltd C/o Nandilath G mart Manu Arcade Omassery Thamarassery Road Agasthyamuzhi Mukkam 673602 Mode of PaymentTBBContact NumberNAGSTNADescriptionDIOS WALL 1200GST29AABCI5412J1ZKGross WeightNAContact NumberNACammodity/DescriptionDescription Shipment Value Quantity Type of Pkg DIOS WALL 1200 AS PER INVOICE AS PER INVOICE C-BOXES StatusDeliveredProof of DeliveryDelivery Date06/08/2024